Saturday, March 6, 2010

Just what I needed

While I was reading one of my favorite blogs the other day I wanted to shout, "Oh thank goodness someone else feels this way!" She wrote an entry about knowing what is best for your child and not letting other people's opinions or comments about your parenting affect you. I have found that being a mom automatically means that everyone is going to give you their two cents.
Here are some of my favorites-

"Does he need a hat?"

"Feels like he needs socks."

"It looks like you need a break."

And the one that makes my skin crawl every time....

"I never did that when ______ was little."

Every parents has their opinions on sleep schedules, on vaccinations, on dressing, on what their kids eat, on discipline, on who should babysit and who should not, etc. As a mom, I have to remind myself that Hudson is one of a kind and no one else on this entire planet knows what is best for him. I cannot let every snarky comment get to me.

This is some of the advice that I loved and think that all parents need to tell themselves.

"So the next time someone tries to tell you what is best for YOUR baby - remember that no ones opinion or advice should make you feel guilty over the choices you make for your child. You know your child and their needs intimately and wholly. You are their advocate, their expert, and their protector. Feel confident in that role and the decisions you are making!"

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