Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Brain release

- We had a great weekend full of parties, friends and fun.

- I have had zero appetite lately. I am not sure if it is because it is so humid outside or if it is God's way of letting me fit in my bathing suit. Either way works for me. Hudson and I ran 12 errands this morning (totally fun with a 2 year old.... not) and the closest thing to us was a Steak & Shake. I was craving a milkshake so we went through the drive thru and I honestly said this,
"Hi, May I please get a chocolate  m-i-l-k-s-h-a-k-e ..... sorry I have a 2 year old in the backseat. "
yep, totally spelled it. I did not want Hudson to know what I was getting.

- I have had a hard time deciding what I want to hang on our front door for the summer. We always have something for holidays but I want something I can keep up there all summer. I found this today and am getting it  made.
I think it is really sweet with our married monogram.

- I am teaching Hudson's Sunday School class all summer. That should be entertaining.

- My baby boy will be 3 in 24 days. That is crazy. How did that happen?
I find myself getting so frustrated with people saying, "oh he is about to be 3, time for another one." It's such an annoying statement. Especially since I was medically told having another baby would be so life threatening for me. We are beyond, beyond blessed with our sweet Hudson and I will always be happy for my 1 sweet, precious boy! And I will be really happy when my sister stops calling me everyday begging to be our surrogate. My sister is the best!

-Together Hudson and I replanted all of the potted plants that the bunnies have ruined. We changed out all of the hanging baskets and added a few more potted plants for the backyard. It was a workout. Hudson pulled every ounce of mulch out of the bag and spread it over the driveway with his new shovel & rake, so I seriously did a lof of work getting everything together. We also made a new flower bed, planted more vegetables, planted a climbing rose bush for the shed and found a home for Charlotte, our new rooster
Thank you Dad & Lisa!!!

- My Michael Kors watch has still not shown up in a gift box somewhere. It's getting annoying.... Jonathan! Maybe my 3 year belated push gift?

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blog!! The rooster!! I love it. Where is it from?


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