Monday, June 18, 2012

Hudson's Construction party

This Friday (June 22nd) my baby boy will turn 3. (Insert me crying). 3 years have flown by. We celebrated this weekend with family and friends. Hudson wanted a digger party. He is totally obsessed with diggers, dumpers, tractors, etc. I had jokingly asked Jonathan if we could rent a backhoe for Hudson's birthday and he told me I was insane. Little did I know he actually would rent one and surprise both Hudson & I.  The look on Hudson's face when the flatbed truck pulled up to our house Saturday morning was priceless.
We had a tool table, a digger area, the bouncy house and the backhoe ready to go for everyone to play!

My friend, Anna helped me think of construction names for the food and Hudson loved blowing out the candles and eating cake.

We had a ball and were so overwhelmed by presents and love!

Hudson had a wardrobe change thanks to a water fight and after everyone left, Daddy and Hudson went cruising. Someone was not happy to say goodbye to the digger.

We ended the weekend with a cookout with both of our dads (the grandpa's) and Lisa.

It was a perfect weekend. I cannot wait to celebrate Hudson all week!!!!!!


  1. WOWWOWOWOWOWOW! That is awesome! I love his faces, you can tell he was so excited! Seriously, how is he three????


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