Friday, April 27, 2012

Potty Training

It's time. Hudson is in potty training bootcamp. I kept putting it off and putting it off but I finally realized when he turns 3 in June, he has to be potty trained to participate in summer camp, soccer, rookie sports, t-ball, swimming lessons and school in the fall. As soon as he woke up this morning, we went pee pee on the potty. From that point on he has had in big boy underware. We have a little potty that I can move into the playroom (grossly, that has helped). I also moved it outside when we had friends over this morning.
He started off in boxers but decided they were too tight(?!)
Then he went naked for a bit
Around 8:45, I was already tired of being trapped inside so we got dressed and went on a bike ride. The entire way I think I was saying, "you do not have on a diaper, do you need to pee pee? Hudson, remember you have on big boy pants." I know he is so tired of me saying it. When we got home his friends were pulling in the driveway so he dropped his pants to show them he could pee pee. Seriously. This happened a few times. As of 12pm when he went down for a nap the score was- Hudson + the potty- 16, accidents- 0!!! I am so proud of him. He has a diaper on for his nap, I had no idea how to handle that situation, but as soon as he wakes up, it is back to big boy pants. I'm realizing my life is going to be completely different when he is potty trained. For instance.... we are going to have to use public restrooms.... AHHHH, I do not do that!!! Fingers crossed this is sucessful! I cannot believe how exhausting it is!!! Some cute pictures from our week


  1. Your germaphobe(ness) is going to go crazy!!! Mine too when we reach that point. Keep me updated on how everything is going. I'm going to need tips!!


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