We are not mall people. We hate the mall. Hate may not even be the right word. But Jonathan was on the hunt for a certain pair of Cole Haan's and wouldn't you know it lead us to the mall.
We went to Cary to eat at Gypsy's Shiny Diner (one of my very favorite places) and then headed over to the mall. I got way too excited when I spotted the merry go round.
I started walking towards it only to hear, "No, gross. You are not putting him on that."
I kept walking. Heavy baby in hands.
"That is so disgusting. Do you know how many germs are on there?"
At this point, I was already in line. There was of course a woman arguing with the attendant about something. This was not helping me get Jonathan to simmer down.
"I told you this was a bad idea."
Finally, we sat on the horse we picked out. The ride started and Hudson let out one of the biggest smiles that I have ever seen.
He loved it! He loved going in circles and seeing his daddy. He kept turning his head to look for him. It was a rather long, speedy ride. I was very dizzy at the end. But overall, I proved a point that sometimes a little boy just needs to ride a merry go round full of germs. And Jonathan looked really cute holding my pocket book while Hudson and I rode :)