This past week, Hudson and I were home alone. We had a great time and are so thankful for all of our friends who kept us very entertained. I realized a few things this week.
1. I appreciate my husband so much. He is a wonderful dad and takes such great care of us. I hate being away from him but I think that it strengthens our love for one another and we both get so excited to see the other one again.
2. Hudson is a handful. This week he learned the art of a temper tantrum. FULL tantrum. Throwing himself down on the ground, legs and arms flying everywhere. He also learned how to go "straight as a board" when I try to put him in the car seat and highchair. While he does this, he looks at me and falls in to a huge belly laugh. I cannot help but to laugh with him. He is such a funny little guy. He is into EVERYTHING now and I am constantly chasing him around the house.
3. I feel really old. My back is aching, I am exhausted by 6 o'clock and I have no energy at the end of the day. But I cannot complain, if this is what it feels like to be a mom I am perfectly content with that.
4. I love and adore my friends, neighbors and my cousin David and his wife Jenn. They all rally around me when Jonathan goes out of town, meeting us for lunch, bringing dinner over, having play dates, inviting us to go places. It is wonderful and I am so thankful for them. We stayed extremely, extremely busy this week which helped our week to fly by.
5. Bailey is more work than Hudson. I do not know what it is with her but as soon as Jonathan leaves she becomes a nut job. She ran away twice, knocked Hudson over on more than 1 occasion and has now started jumping on her hind legs to eat off Hudson's highchair tray. Needless to say, she spent a few days at doggie day camp this week.
6. I spend too much money when Jon is away. We ate out for so many meals, did a few Target runs, bought new clothes for everyone, bought a dvd player for upstairs (finally), bought new plants, toys, etc. It is much easier to hide new things when my husband is not here :)
7. I love my life. I have always known this, but I realize more and more everyday how truly lucky I am. I am so thankful for what we have and I treasure it every second.
Here are some photos of our week....

The amount of toys is just getting out of control at this point. This is not even 1/3 of what we have.