Tell me about the shirt you're wearing?
A white v-neck from JCrew
What's currently bothering you?
The dog hair that is all over our house and the fact that Hudson now spits just to get a reaction out of us.
What do you currently hear?
My husband asking me where his own shoes are. Ugh, men!
When was the last time you had your hair cut?
Too long ago
When were you last outside?
10 minutes ago when I watered the plants
Are you wearing shorts?
Yes, brown running shorts. And no, I did not run
Does the thought of marriage scare you?
Obviously not. It did before I met Jonathan. When you know, you just know. He changed my entire world!
What are you doing today?
We had a play date with Carter, folding clothes, cleaning house, running to the store, taking care of Hudson, cooking dinner...
Look to your left, what is there?
My husband. Who is still asking where his shoes are.
What time did you go to sleep last night?
A little after 10
When is your Birthday?
May 17
The way to win your heart?
Being sweet, kind and funny
What are you going to do this weekend?
I hope sleep in, spend a lot of time with my boys at the pool, take dinner to some friends who just had a baby and hopefully get our dinning room chairs reupholstered
Were you happy when you woke up today?
I am not a morning person so I would have to say no. But seeing Hudson's sweet face always changes that.
Have you ever crawled through a window?
Would you ever donate blood?
No. I did not break 110lbs until I was 24 so I still use the excuse that I am not the right weight limit. Plus the sight of blood almost makes me faint.
Has anyone ever mistaken you for a family member?
Do you have reason to smile right now?
Yes. Hudson is sound asleep, I am eating skittles, Jonathan found his shoes on his own and we are about to catch up on our DVR and have some alone time.
What do you do when you're stressed out?
Complain. It is terrible to admit but I do. I also over eat candy, especially skittles. A big stiff drink helps too.
Would you honestly say you'd risk your life for someone else?
Absolutely. No question about it. Hmmm... well just for a handful of people.
Do you open up to people easily?
Once I get to know them
Has anyone upset you in the last week?
Yes. Hudson is going through a TERRIBLE phase right now and my husband is still a slob.
What is the last pill you swallowed?
What was the first thing you thought this morning?
I just went to sleep why is it time to wake up
Who do you blame for your bad mood today?
You can never blame anyone but yourself. And I was in a great mood today. Hudson was sweet all day and played so well with his buddy.
Where is the person you like right now?
He mozied on downstairs to find a beer
What was the first thing you did this morning?
This survey is obsessed with morning. I laid in bed and waited for Jonathan to bring me coffee and bring Hudson breakfast.
Do you care of what people think of you?
Of course. I think we all care what people think of us. And if we say we don't, we are lying.
Who was the last person you took a picture with?
Hudson. Duh.
What are you looking forward to right now?
A good nights sleep
Do you miss someone?
I always miss my mom, sister, niece and nephew in Davidson
Does your crush like you?
Well I hope so, he is married to me
If you could go back in time and change something would you?
No. Every event leads us to where we are today.
Do you hate smokers?
Yes. DAD are you reading this.... it is so stinky!
Ever had a near death experience?
I thought I was dying during childbirth.
Something you do a lot?
Text, laundry, vacuum, laugh with Hudson, go to the pool
Last person you cried in front of?
My friend Sterling, she made me laugh so hard so it was tears of joy.
Have you ever been to a tanning bed?
Does anyone hate you for no reason?
I am sure. Girls tend to be nasty.
Have you ever kissed someone whose name starts with the letter J?
My husband
What are you stressed out about?
Hudson and the spitting issue
What was your favourite grade?
12th. I only had 4 classes and a 2 hour lunch period.
When is the next time you'll see your best friend(s)?
Tomorrow at playgroup I will see some great friends but my best friend gets married in August so that will be a big celebration
Are any of your friends pregnant?
Yes! A couple of them. The baby fever was rubbing off on me until Hudson turned 2.
Favourite number?
Ever been in love?
Head over heels.
Are you wearing make-up?
No. That is a rare occurance
What were you doing at 11:30 last night?
What's the last thing you said and to who?
"Stop asking me. Just look in your own closet!" I said that to Jonathan after he asked me 10 times where his OWN shoes were
Do you sleep on your stomach?
Yes, I sleep every which way. And all over the place.
What do you hear?
Our dog Bailey snoring
Are you ticklish?
Last time you saw fireworks, with who & where?
Last year. Hudson and I were both sound asleep when they went off this year.