I do not know why I still torture myself and watch the Bachelor. The thoughts of the show disgust me. 1 guy and 25 women. Surely you contact a disease by all that spit swapping. Most of these women are crazy and so overly emotional. Who cries about a guy after 2 dates?
But I still find myself watching it. I could never, ever go on a show like this. But it hit me after watching this weeks episode that I would be portrayed as a drama queen. Here is the reasons why.... the dates.
They make these girls play softball, go repelling into gigantic holes, take a canoe looking boat through muddy water, play in mud, go to deserted islands and hunt for their dinner, skiing in their bikinis in fake snow, etc, etc. I would not do any of those things. I am such a girlie girl when it comes to activities.
~ I hate water. I do not mind a pool..... a kiddie pool. That way my hair stays dry and I do not drown. I hate the ocean, I have no idea what is swimming under me. I also hate sand. So usually you will find me on a huge blanket tanning. I have no problem tanning.
~ I absolutely do not do heights. No way.
~ Mud is not in my vocabulary.
~ Hunting for food? Um, no thanks.
~ Skiing in a bikini? Bikini is also not in my vocabulary.
Not to mention this season has involved a lot of dates that get rained out. Have you ever seen my hair wet? It's like a chia pet when it air dries.
So the moral of this post is..... thank God I found a man I love and who loves me regardless of the fact that I am not adventurous and he is. And thank goodness I never had to go on national tv and be portrayed as the whiny girl who is begging for a hair straightener 24/7!