The above pictures are our favorite from 2009
I usually do not care too much about New Years Eve but this year I cannot help but have bitter sweet feelings. 2009 was without a doubt the best year of my life. Jonathan and I got married, we survived my pregnancy hormones, we welcomed Hudson into the world, we grew closer to our family and friends, we moved into our house, we laughed more than we ever thought we could and we grew to be better, happier people. I wish I could put this year in a jar and keep it forever.
I know that 2010 will be a wonderful year too. We will celebrate our 1 year anniversary in January, Hudson will say his first word, take his first steps, have his first birthday, we will be able to watch our nieces and nephew grow up and we will be able to celebrate our friends and family getting married and some of them will be having children of their own.
So thank you 2009 for showing me what true love, happiness and inner peace is. And to you 2010, I cannot wait to see what you bring into our lives.