Jonathan was out of town for a few days.... I know, I know, I should not post that on the Internet but considering the police now circle our street because my across the street neighbor is a psycho drug addict, I feel safe sharing that with you. 3 police and the K9 unit were at her house this past Friday. (This is the 3rd time in 2 weeks that the police have been here.) What a sight to see. It sent me into a GIGANTIC nervous breakdown because I want her out of our neighborhood so badly. I was awake for 3 straight nights staring out the window in fear.
Anyways..... Hudson and I stayed as busy as we could hoping that it would make the time that Jonathan was away go faster. We went to the pool and library to read on Thursday, had a pool play date on Friday and watched all the neighborhood chaos unfold, went to story time on Saturday morning(Hudson crawled up to almost every child there and held his finger up to tell them he was "1"), went to the doctor- I thought he had an ear infection but it is just his teeth and went to Ransom's 30th birthday party. Sunday we went to the airport observation deck for an hour before we picked up Jonathan and Hudson loved it. He clapped at every plane that flew by. We also cried, cried, cried. Apparently getting 4 molars and another bottom tooth makes for one ornery baby! Not to mention last week he had 5 allergic reactions and we have no idea what they were to. We are now keeping track of all of his foods so we can try and pin point it ourselves before going to the allergist.
I know this post was a huge rant and I apologize. My brain is just so scattered right now. Da*n neighbor and new teeth!
Hudson loves his puppy dog
Ransom's 30th birthday party
Airport Observation Deck

Doing a little reading at the library
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