~ Hudson is getting 2 bottom teeth. He now has a full row! These teeth are really giving him a hard time. He has been very fussy and clingy. I think he would be content if I held him 24 hours a day.
~ Hudson and I went to story time at the library Wednesday and were surprised to find a fireman there to talk about fire prevention. Hudson loved it!!! He did not move for 30 minutes and clapped every time the fireman talked. We learned a new "911" song and he loves for me to sing it.

(Notice he is the only one standing! I guess he needed a perfect view)
~ Hudson has also learned to climb up all the stairs, he eats off a plate and bowl now, he only wants to walk when we go out in public and when you ask him if he "poopied," he grabs the back of his diaper and walks up the stairs for you to change him. HILARIOUS!
~ There are still 2 weeks until Halloween and all 3 of our pumpkins have rotted.
~ Bobby Cox served his last game at the Braves manager Sunday night and you should have seen my husband crying when he took the field for the last time. What a drama queen. I almost feel like I should buy him a few therapy sessions so he can get over this.

~ I have a weeks worth of DVR to catch up on. I was a tv slacker this week.
~ Did you watch any of the Chilean Miners rescue? Talk about crying, it was so touching to see them all hug their families! What a miracle. And I heard that one of them had his mistress show up instead of his wife. I am pretty sure if Jonathan cheated on me and was stuck in a cave for 2 months, I would be waiting to throw him right back in.
Have a great weekend! We are looking forward to taking Hudson to the North Carolina State Fair!!!! And yes, it is safe. I asked our pediatrician! Funnel cake, hot dogs and cotton candy, here we come!!!!!
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