1. I am addicted to chapstick
2. I watch way too much TV.
3. I am OCD.
4. I vacuum and mop the entire house every day.
5. I hate cooking.
6. I tell my husband everything. Even things he does not want to hear.
7. At this point, I have no desire to ever have a second child.
8. I want to live on a farm.
9. I know nothing about politics.
10. I asked my husband a few weeks ago what continent South Africa was on.
11. Our UPS driver told me I had a shopping addiction.
12. I do not like to sweat.
13. Candy is my weakness.
14. I do not shower everyday.
15. I cannot drink water without a lemon.
16. I cannot go to bed until all the toys are put away and my house is organized.
17. I do not like red meat.
18. I played field hockey in high school.
19. I do not like ice.
20. Hydrangea is my favorite flower.
21. I spend more money on Hudson's clothes than my own.
22. I get teary eyed a lot.
23. I hate drama.
24. I would gladly move out of Raleigh. GLADLY!
25. When Jonathan is getting on my nerves I say things in foreign languages. It drives him crazy. He thinks I am saying mean things but most of the time it is phrases I learned from Hudson's French and Chinese Baby Einstein videos. I always walk away trying not to laugh.