More coffee and it is only 8am
Hudson to start sleeping past 6:30 again.
Hudson to stop giving all of his food to Bailey and then stop crying because he did not eat any.
New sheets for our bed. I am thinking super girlie ones. I found a flower pattern that I like at Pottery Barn and they are on sale. WWJD? (What would Jonathan do?)

Someone to punch Charlie Sheen. Or at least put a muzzle on him.
Someone to tell Christina Aguilera that all this drinking she is doing is making her fat.
Someone to come take these Girl Scout cookies out of my house.
Someone to come force me to workout or run. I have been so slack lately. I blame the GS cookie hangover.
Modern Family to come on every night. We laugh so hard at it.
A housekeeper. I cannot keep up.
Someone to come clean out my closet. I am having trouble letting go of so many things. One day those super small jeans will fit me again, right?!?!
A realtor who also acts as a mediator. Different opinions on budget only gets you so far.
Bailey to stop shedding.
New recipes. We eat the same meals over and over.
People to stop asking me when I am going to have baby #2. It is like I have a target on my forehead now that I have a toddler. I bet we have been asked 5 times this week alone.
Good recommendations for Children's Bible books.
A tan and a pedicure.
The ability to say "no" to this little face more.

Time to stand still. In 3 months my little monkey will be 2.
Until next time friends, Happy Thursday!
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