I scooped him up so fast and within seconds watched the skin start to rip on his cheek and blood starting coming out. I called Jonathan immediately and yelled "stitches, get home." He said he could tell it was an emergency by my voice and was home within 10 minutes. Hudson had stopped crying pretty fast but was still clinging to me. I called our pediatrician and she had us come in so they could glue it back.
Once we got there she looked at it and said, "Oh no. That needs stitches." Let me state that I do not handle crisis well. I was HYSTERICAL. Hudson was calm as a clam. I was crying, sweating, wanting to get in the fetal position on the floor....
So she called around and found another office that could do his stitches "right away." Did you know "right away" means 3 hours later? At this point Hudson was exhausted, hungry and ready to leave. We were stuck in 1 little room. They put the numbing cream on and that had to sit for 15 minutes. Then they wrapped him up like a sardine (he screamed bloody murder) and cleaned the cut and then stitched him up twice.
It was awful. Beyond awful. He screamed and screamed. I could not look the whole time and just wanted to grab him and hold him. Seeing them pull the skin tight was just torture. Jonathan was our rock and held Hudson down and tried to talk to him. It was very traumatizing.
I have never ripped anything off anyone as fast as I ripped those sheets off him when he was done. And he immediately stopped crying and clung to me. My panic attack set in and I started sobbing, "get me out of here, get me out of here." I could not take anymore. I just wanted to get my baby home.
Bebe saved the day, brought us dinner, wine and cupcakes. We salvaged his birthday and got a few big smiles from him.
Going to bed was pretty hard. He cried on and off all night. Being a crazy mom, I slept in his rocking chair beside his bed all night to make sure he was ok. He woke up with a pretty swollen eye but has played some this morning.
My poor 2 year old. A birthday to always remember.
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