One of my favorite things about Jonathan's family is that they keep everything. His mom has given us all of Jonathan's old hand smocked outfits, some toys, books and now his grandfather gave Hudson, Jonathan's old John Deere. Could there be a greater gift for a boy? It needed some work so we finally got it ready yesterday and someone was so happy about it.

I can't lie, I was pretty excited myself. We rode and rode and rode. Each time I would stop Hudson would push my back and say, "goooooooooooo mommy!"

Pardon the hair. I had just done full sprints around the neighborhood to chase Bailey, who decided it was finally time to introduce herself to everyone on the street. All while the boys laughed at me. Not to mention, the lenght of my hair is so long- In December I will be cutting 10 inches off for Locks of love!
Hudson is so lucky to have so many great things passed down to him. It is so special to watch toys get a new life. It always reminds me of the movie Toy Story.
Yesterday was picture day at school so we practiced at home

He is a ham! When I picked him up I asked what face he made for pictures. He squeezed my face and said "da cheese face mommy" Cannot wait to see what that means. He loves school and really is learning a lot. He comes home and talks all about it and tells us about all of his friends and teachers. At dinner the other night Jonathan asked him who his girlfriend was and he proudly announced, Claire. I may need to go have a chat with her!
Happy Friday!!!!