- He did go to school yesterday since he is not contagious and seemed fine in the morning. He had a great day and made this adorable ghost.

- I picked up Village Deli before I picked him up from school yesterday. I nearly had a heart attack when I was told it was $17 for our 2 sandwiches. It made it even worse when i got home, put mine down to wash my hands and came back to find Bailey had demolished it. Hudson was standing there with his eyes wide open and said, "ohhhhhhhhhhh, Sissy go to time out!"
- Hudson loves our big window in the living room. He has learned to climb on top of the sofa to look out at all the action

_ Hudson now says "Good morning" anytime you see him for the first time. It will be 3pm and he will run into the kitchen, see me and say "oh, good morning mommy." We are working so hard on his manners. He says "yes miss" for "yes mama" and "yessur" for "yes sir"
_ This fabric is on my radar to make a skirt for our bathroom sink. Maybe that will hide the fact that the sink is green!

It is a rainy day.... perfect to stay in side, catch up on laundry and clean for my family coming in town this weekend. Yay!
oh he is so cute! I love love love that fabric! I hope he's feeling better. I would've thrown up too at Village deli, but man is it good!!