We have 4 sets of parents, that's 4 separate times to set aside and celebrate. Someone always ends up upset about not getting enough time. Which is completely understandable. I wish we could devote one entire day to everyone. We are spoiled with wonderful parents and cannot imagine what we would do without them.
My husband gets only Christmas day off..... I guess that is what happens when you work in the sports industry and have all the College bowl games. Thank goodness he loves his job. So finding time to really celebrate the moments is few and far between. I feel like I have until Dec 1st to enjoy my husband and then I lose him until football season is over. Soon he will start working 16 hour days planning all of the bowl packages and traveling.... Hudson and I will be at home missing him.
Between parties, Hudson's school functions, shopping, wrapping gifts, and regular life, the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas flies by. I often want to just wave a white flag and call for a time out to breathe, snuggle up with my boys and just watch a Christmas movie.
I spend Hudson's school days rushing around trying to make sure I have everything. Luckily, I am finished with his gifts but I keep thinking of other things he needs, advent calendar, Christmas books to read each night of December, teacher gifts, grandparent gifts, stamps for Christmas cards, family gifts, teacher gifts, Christmas pajamas, holiday decor, gifts for children in need, boxes to the military... it is never ending. Again, not a complaint, just a running list in my head.
I love Thanksgiving but I feel like we rush past it to dive into Christmas. We have so much to be thankful for and this year I hope that we can enjoy it and relax.
This weekend we enjoyed the Raleigh Christmas parade with Bebe and Lucy. Hudson & Lucy (his 4 year old cousin) are truly in love
They really enjoyed it and were both troopers for hanging out for 3 hours.
We spent that afternoon with our playgroup and my sweet cousins family at the North Hills tree lighting ceremony. They had so many great activities, bouncy houses, a real train, fake snow falling, the Sandbox band.... I wish I had taken more pictures but I guess I was too busy having fun. Hudson kept yelling for the bouncy house so I have a feeling when he sees what Santa brought him he will Lose....his... MIND!
Hudson woke up with a horrible, horrible cold yesterday so we spent the day in pajamas. Jon made cheese sausage balls and we watched the movie Annie. Hudson slept on and off but woke up coughing a lot. Today will probably be rough but hopefully I can get a lot done since we will be home all day.
And I am thankful. I do not want to sound like the grinch. I am thankful for -
A husband who loves and supports me. A man who I truly feel like God dropped into my life.
A little boy who brings happy tears to my eyes everyday. I cannot say enough what a joy he is and how much I love him.
Parents and in laws that I love and adore. People we could not function without.
A sister who is my best friend. There are many days where we talk 10 times a day and still have so much else to say and laugh about.
Nieces and a nephew who make our world better.
Hudson's playgroup and my wonderful mommy friends
My friends who are often my therapist and make me sane and laugh.
Hudson's school and teachers. He has learned so much and ask me everyday if he can please go to school.
My husbands job that he loves
Starbucks coffee... it just makes me nicer
2 months until my sanity is restored and life is back to normal.... at least that is what I keep telling myself.
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