Thursday, May 3, 2012

Morning thoughts

It is 5:30am and I find myself sipping my coffee, catching up on 3 weeks worth of the Good Wife and listening to my baby snoring in my bed. I am the farthest thing from a morning person. But once again, my husband is out of town and my baby is sick. This time a virus. Luckily not strep. His fever ranged from 100.7 to 103 around 2am.

He's so pitiful when he is sick. A limp noodle that just likes to be held. He is the only person I would give my bed too (he actually just spread himself out so much I had no room) and venture out into a cold, dark house at 5am for. Coffee is my friend and today I know we will go hand and hand all day.

Luckily my big guy comes home tonight. I have a mile long list of things I wanted to accomplish this week, things I have been putting off but that list will remain on my desk. We have another wedding this weekend and I cannot wait to see both my guys all dressed up.

Hudson got his haircut yesterday morning.... I realized he had a fever as I got him out of his chair.

My goal for today is to at least get some yard work done. We have a new trellace against our shed and I want to plant this exact scene

I also need to plant new vegetables in our garden thanks to the neighborhood bunnies. I hope I am not the lady who has to put up the tacky wire fence around my vegetables. I never knew how much I would enjoy working in a yard. Our yard seems gigantic and we have done so much to it. It is so nice to have neighbors walking by yelling, "your yard & house look fantastic!" or "So glad to have neighbors who love fixing up their yard." It makes me proud. My free therapy......

1 comment:

  1. Oh no!!! I hope Hudson feels better soon. I need to see your yard and you'll have to give me some tips!


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