After weeks of wishing for snow I am now kicking myself. I forgot how cold it is and how the entire town shuts down. We tried to take Hudson out twice yesterday and he HATED it. That is putting it nicely. So we were convinced that today was our day. 3rd time is the charm right?!?! He was actually fine. We do not have proper snow gear, but he did not mind sitting in the snow today and he is the most adorable thing I have ever seen. He was asleep within 5 minutes of getting inside. I think it was very overwhelming. Our little 4 legged hairy child loves the snow. We are having a hard time keeping her inside. I hope everyone is having fun and staying safe!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
After weeks of wishing for snow I am now kicking myself. I forgot how cold it is and how the entire town shuts down. We tried to take Hudson out twice yesterday and he HATED it. That is putting it nicely. So we were convinced that today was our day. 3rd time is the charm right?!?! He was actually fine. We do not have proper snow gear, but he did not mind sitting in the snow today and he is the most adorable thing I have ever seen. He was asleep within 5 minutes of getting inside. I think it was very overwhelming. Our little 4 legged hairy child loves the snow. We are having a hard time keeping her inside. I hope everyone is having fun and staying safe!
Friday, January 29, 2010
A big thank you!
I want to take a minute to recognize my sister. I really think other than Jonathan and Hudson, she is the glue that holds me together. I am not going to lie, growing up we did not get along at all but over the years we have become best friends. There are plenty of days that I talk to her 4-5 times even if it is for only 30 seconds. She is always there to answer all of my questions about parenting, listen when our family is driving us crazy, relate to me venting about my husband and gossip about celebrities. She has been an amazing Aunt to my sweet Hudson. Without hesitation she has given Hudson every single hand me down from her children... which has probably saved us thousands of dollars. She has stood by my side for 27 years and always made me feel loved and appreciated. She is also the first to tell me when I am wrong. Not only is she a great sister and Aunt, she is an AMAZING mother and wife. She has 2 beautiful children and a husband who fits into our lives perfectly (he even gave me away at my wedding). So THANK YOU Laura Ashley, for being one of the best things in my life and always being there for my family. I love you so much!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
I am feeling a little sentimental today
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Hudson and Bailey
These days we have a little situation in our house. On Wednesday, I went to get Hudson out of his crib from his nap. Like everyday, I told Bailey what I was going to do. Usually she walks up the stairs with me and sniffs him or lays on the ground until we go back downstairs. Not anymore. She now takes off up the stairs, stands infront of his door until I reach over her to open it and jumps on his crib, peeking in so she can be the first to say hello. While at first I found this adorable, I am now starting to get annoyed. Yesterday she nudged me out of the way more than once so I could not pick Hudson up. It literally took me about a minute to get around her and get my own child. Hudson LOVES it, but I am sensing a problem in our near future.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Happy 1 year Anniversary!

This Sunday marks our 1 year of wedded bliss. I cannot believe it has only been 1 year. Maybe it is because I feel like I have known Jonathan forever or maybe it is because this year has flown by. I ask myself all the time how I got so lucky. I married a man who makes me laugh, who knows what I am going to say before I say it, who does not get mad or raise his voice, who loves and adores me, who devotes himself to providing for our family and making us better everyday, who is the best daddy and who always puts our family first. I have no doubt that with each year we will only get stronger. I love you Jonathan and I look forward to 70 more years together!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
New Years resolution #1
I made a few resolutions this year...
Spend more alone time with Jonathan (We are very lucky his mom lives a mile away and can babysit)
Lose the baby weight
Take more time for myself
Make sure that Hudson has the best day, everyday
Go out with my girlfriends more
Get rid of all of Jonathan's things. I mean redecorate our house.
But the one at the top of my list is...... Be a better mom to Bailey.
The poor dog. If you looked up "sibling rivalry" in the dictionary I bet you would see her picture. Before Hudson came home, Bailey was our #1. We took her on tons of walks, went to the dog park, let her lay in our bed, we played with her everyday, I dressed her up, put bows in her hair, layed with her, etc. Now we are lucky if we remember to feed her. Hudson ADORES her. His face lights up when he sees her and he gets the biggest smile. One of his favorite things is to play with her. She is so good with him, she lets him pull her ears, hit her nose and poke her eyes. And she loves him. She will sit where ever he is playing, she kisses him and she is protective of him. But she also stands infront of us when we are trying to move, paws us and our friends for a little rub, lunges on anyone who walks in the door, licks my plate when we say the blessing at night, will shed a huge hairball right when I finish vacuuming, has started running away, does not listen, etc. We love her but we desperatly need our sweet, good dog back. I vow to get her back on track, make her once again feel like our #1 and try to remember to feed her everyday!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Photo of the week
New Years Day we went to eat lunch at Mellow Mushroom. We made a resolution that we would eat out more now that Hudson is more independent. We made sure to pack a load of toys but all he wanted was this book and his "Henry" dog. At one point Jonathan looked at him and this is what he saw...... what a little sweetheart!
Almost home....
Since Saturday, Jonathan has been in good ole South Beach for the Orange Bowl. This is the longest he has ever left us and needless to say, we are all ready for his return. We have had fun without him, the house has been spotless, all of the dishes seem to make it into the dishwasher, I do not find clothes behind the bathroom door, there are no shoes by the front door and I do not constantly hear sports coming from the TV. We are so lucky to have good friends and family who have kept us company but nothing can fill the void in our house. Hudson is starting to really figure out the world and he definitely knows that his daddy is gone. We walked past a picture yesterday and he started beating my shoulder and smiling when he saw his daddy's face. I stopped and let him look at it for a minute and then I got a little emotional. I could see the joy on Hudson's face when he saw his daddy. I cannot wait for my boys to be reunited! We love you Jonathan and we cannot wait to see you Thursday!
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