I made a few resolutions this year...
Spend more alone time with Jonathan (We are very lucky his mom lives a mile away and can babysit)
Lose the baby weight
Take more time for myself
Make sure that Hudson has the best day, everyday
Go out with my girlfriends more
Get rid of all of Jonathan's things. I mean redecorate our house.
But the one at the top of my list is...... Be a better mom to Bailey.
The poor dog. If you looked up "sibling rivalry" in the dictionary I bet you would see her picture. Before Hudson came home, Bailey was our #1. We took her on tons of walks, went to the dog park, let her lay in our bed, we played with her everyday, I dressed her up, put bows in her hair, layed with her, etc. Now we are lucky if we remember to feed her. Hudson ADORES her. His face lights up when he sees her and he gets the biggest smile. One of his favorite things is to play with her. She is so good with him, she lets him pull her ears, hit her nose and poke her eyes. And she loves him. She will sit where ever he is playing, she kisses him and she is protective of him. But she also stands infront of us when we are trying to move, paws us and our friends for a little rub, lunges on anyone who walks in the door, licks my plate when we say the blessing at night, will shed a huge hairball right when I finish vacuuming, has started running away, does not listen, etc. We love her but we desperatly need our sweet, good dog back. I vow to get her back on track, make her once again feel like our #1 and try to remember to feed her everyday!