Hudson turned 9 months old this past Monday. Time sure flies when you are having fun! I cannot believe in 3 months, we will be celebrating his 1st birthday.
We went to the doctor for his 9 month checkup and got a perfect bill of health! He weighs 21.9 lbs (67th percentile). He lost almost a pound being sick last week. He is 29 inches long (70th percentile) and his head circumference is 18 3/4 (98th percentile). No wonder I have a hard time getting clothes over his head.
He is right on target with all of his abilities. Anytime you say "Yay," "Good job" or "Go Hudson" he claps. He loves to sing and is starting to make a lot more sounds. He reaches for his toys and pitches a FIT if you take them away. He loves peek-a-boo and will put anything over his face to play with you. He is starting to crawl and loves to stand with a little help.
He is only eating people food now which is hilarious. He loves fruit and vegetables, yogurt, bread, Ritz crackers, pudding, cheese, egg, noodles, macaroni and cheese, grilled cheese sandwiches, pancakes, chicken and rice cakes. We are going to introduce him to more meats this weekend. I think he would eat all day if he had the choice.
He has 8 teeth, loves to bite and have his teeth brushed.
We have been walking outside everyday and he talks the entire hour. He loves to be outside. We have been spending a lot of time on the patio and at the park. We have a new playgroup and we are very excited.
Hudson is still very in love with Bailey. She is the best dog with him. This morning they were both on our bed and she layed her head in his lap and he played with her ears.
He loves books and will stop whatever he is doing if you get one out.
He is a great baby and doing a lot better with separation anxiety. We love having him to play with and spoil rotten.
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