Wednesday, March 17, 2010

List, list, list

It is no secret that I have OCD. My closet is color coordinated by jackets, pants, shorts, skirts, sleeveless tops, short sleeve tops and long sleeve. I reorganize Hudson's room all the time, making sure his books are tallest to shortest, his clothes are all folded perfectly, etc. I try to make sure our house is always clean. I hate seeing dust or dog hair anywhere. My main weakness is making lists. I have a list for everything-

Grocery list

Target list

Costco list

Chore list

Weekend to- do list .... this way Jonathan has no excuse to say he did not know what I needed his help with.

List of things that we need to eventually buy (new painting above sofa, bedroom furniture, new curtains, etc)

I even have a list on the side of the refrigerator that tells me what food is safe for Hudson to eat.

It drives Jonathan insane, INSANE. He makes so much fun of me. It is something I cannot help. It honestly makes my life easier.

A few months ago, I added a new list. A monthly menu. You may think I am crazy but it makes life so simple. I plan a meal for each day. Then I make my grocery list and go through our coupons. We buy all of our meat at Costco and freeze it in portions. I then go to the grocery store and buy all of our fresh vegetables, fruit, bread, marinades, etc. I love for new ideas. I usually plan 5 healthy meals a week. This allows me to wake up, look at what sounds good from our chart, defrost the meat and then prepare dinner during Hudson's last nap of the day. By the time Jonathan is walking in the door, I have dinner on the table. I leave 2 nights open for eating out or random ideas. Now that it is getting warm out, we are grilling a lot. When we do that, we like to go buy fresh meat and seafood.

That is my crazy confession of the week. I recommend making a menu chart. It saves you from running to the grocery at the last minute for that 1 ingredient you forgot!

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