I look at him sometimes and my eyes fill up with tears. What a beautiful child Jonathan and I created. What a huge blessing in our lives and our families and friends lives he is. What a sweet, yet little terror he is. I love him so much that it just makes me cry sometimes.
I love seeing his little personality develop. I am terrified that he is more like me than his daddy. When we say "no," he turns around, laughs and keeps doing what he is doing. When we have to take him away from getting into something that he is not supposed to, he throws a complete temper tantrum. I just have to shake my head because I know this is what my mom was talking about when she used to say, "I hope you have a child who acts just like you used to."
I do not know if Jonathan and I will ever be able to have another baby so I soak in these moments with Hudson and wish that I could bottle them up so that I will always have them. I love being able to blog about it so I can show it to him when he is older.
So until my next post, you can just imagine me at home holding onto Hudson, wishing that time would stop flying by and having tears in my eyes..... because that is what my days look like.
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