One year ago tomorrow, you came into the world and changed our lives forever. Seeing your face for the first time was the most amazing and emotional thing we have ever experienced.
Everyday you make us laugh, smile, sometimes cry (in a good way) and love you so much more. You constantly amaze us with new tricks, words and silly faces. You have such a funny personality. You are very stubborn (we should have known after you made your grand entrance 6 days late). You love to laugh, dance, jump, hit daddy's face, play with Bailey and hide from mommy. You are constantly into everything, enjoy being around other children and love your family.
Seeing your face every morning is my favorite part of the day. You always have the biggest smile and hug waiting for us.
You make us want to be better people. We promise to always make you proud. We will try our hardest not to embarrass you as you grow up. We promise to always listen to you and respect you. We promise to support the decisions that you make and to always stand beside you. We promise to teach you right from wrong and to respect others. We promise to show you how to be a responsible man and to chose the right path. We promise to never hold you back in life and to teach you to always follow your heart. But above all, we promise to always love you and show you how important you are.

This year has flown by. I often look at you and wonder where my baby is. We hope you are always as happy as you are today. We hope you always love life and continue to learn something new everyday.

Thank you for loving us and showing us what true love, happiness and joy are. You continue to bless our lives and we look forward to every moment to come.
We love you,
Mommy and Daddy
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