Hudson has really expanded his vocabulary recently and acts like he has so much to say. He loves to walk around our house and "talk" about and to anything but is still really shy around other people.
Hudson also has his not-so-polite moments and does not handle hearing the word “no” very well. The tantrums haven’t slowed down this month like we hoped. We’re working with him and hoping that this is a phase.
He is still completely and utterly in love with Bailey. He will stop what he is doing, yell "Sissy" and walk over to her just to give her a kiss and a hug. He asks for her when we are in the car, in a store, at an activity or out to eat. He loves anything that involves seeing her, feeding her or taking her to potty and play.
Hudson loves shoes. He even wants to wear them when the rest of his body is naked. He will say "dooooes, dooooes" until you put them on his feet. He also really loves to try and walk in mommy and daddys shoes.
He loves to look at pictures of family and friends, read books, play with his train table, matchbox cars and anything that makes a noise.
We love him so much more everyday. I just wish he was not growing up so fast!
Height: (We go to the doctor today)
Weight: 30 pounds (95th%)
Shoe Size: 6
Clothes Size: Mostly 24 month, but some 2T. A lot of the 24 month stuff is already too small!
Diaper Size: 5
Food: grilled cheese, peas, carrots, green beans, apple sauce, bananas, blueberries, sometimes chicken nuggets, fish sticks, cheese, oranges, quesadillas, kiwi, oatmeal, pancakes, pasta, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, doughnuts (He has been having a lot more allergic reactions to food so we are going to a specialist in January)
Words and Phrases: "dank" you, that, dog (but he regularly calls all dogs sissy), wheee, poo poo, Mommy, Daddy, shoes (doooooes), juice (ju-ju), milk (my milky), book, meow, moo, bye bye, hey, uh oh, ball, no no, oh shoot!, there, up, yeah, teeth (he has more, it is just too early to think right now)
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