We desperately need a camera that is fast. I feel like I miss so many great moments because our camera is soooooooooooo slow

A new jogging stroller to lift me out of my workout funk.

I trust your judgement on this one, Santa. Either another Bailey or a daschund like I had growing up. Surely this will cure the baby fever that is all around me with my friends and it has to be cheaper than a real child!
Health and happiness for my two favorite boys.
And since I am asking, I may as well ask for snow. Just one big snowfall.
Thank you, Santa! I promise I have been good this year.
Oh girl, you've gotta get a Bob, it is the BEST! Let me add my MIL got one for us, and it hasn't seen "jogging" more than a few times :-). But it is perfect for the beach. You can't beat a kitchen aid either!!!