Last night Hudson woke up around 10 crying. Let's be honest..... 10 on any night is late for me. I was a walking zombie at that point and crawled into his big boy bed with him. He slept perfectly. However, he sleeps like a fish out of water. At one point I had to anchor my leg on the ground so I would not fall off. He kicked, hit and flipped all over me all night. I was too afraid to move him because I wanted him to sleep. And I could not leave him there alone because we do not have rails for his bed yet. He is staying in his crib as long as possible! I think I snapped this picture around 3. He looks so big. When he woke up this morning and saw me in his bed he started laughing hysterically and saying, "oh mommy."

We spent the morning at Marbles. That place is toddler heaven. We went with my cousin who has a sweet little girl 2 months older than Hudson. It was so funny to see how they played with completely different stations. Anyone up for some pizza?

I have to throw this picture in for laughs. This is Hudson's new face when you ask him to say cheese....
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