I realized that my mom is wrong, I actually do listen to her when she talks. The entire time leading up to the storm touching down, all I could hear was her in my head saying, "If you are ever in a big storm go to a room with no windows downstairs. Have a blanket, water, snacks, diapers, flashlight and make sure everyone has shoes incase you have to step over glass." So Hudson, Bailey and I piled into our super, super tight downstairs bathroom. Of course we had Hudson's mickey mouse and birdies.
I am not going to lie. I was scared to death. I wanted to put one of Hudson's diapers on myself. All I could hear was wind and things hitting our big sliding glass door. Hudson played with my wallet until it was time to duck. I packed my pocketbook too. (I guess for chapstick and id for my body?!?!) And Bailey layed down and panted for 30 minutes. Yes, I took pictures with my phone.

Luckily my cousin David and his wife were sending me text to update me on the status and when it was safe for me to come out. I also used that time to send Jon a text telling him that he could never leave us again. But I did get really scared at one point and layed down on top of Hudson. He thought it was hilarious and kept pulling my hair and saying "mama... up". I finally got the all clear that we could venture out. And it was bad. Our patio chairs had blown over and my neighbors shutters and glass door blew off. She lives directly across from me so I realized it had to go right over me.
I am so glad nothing terrible happened. But it was bad about 2 miles from our house. Weather is so scary. But I know I had an angel in heaven looking out for me!
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