Overall, he really is a wonderful child. He loves his Sissy

Hudson has really been entertained by all the bulldozers tearing up the dog park behind our house. They are SOOOOO loud!!! Thank goodness we only have 2 more weeks here.

When we tell him it is time to take a nap or go night night, he runs and hides. He is usually pretty easy to find

Hudson still loves his naps. Here he is after school last week.... naked nap
Speaking of school.... he is having a hard time adjusting. Last Thursday he cried the entire time. He even cried all of Sunday School this week and kept saying, No school, no school." It broke my heart but he has to go to both. He looked very handsome before church.

He is wild at the dinner table and says the funniest things. His new thing is after each bite he says, mmmm, tasty." He loves to pray and will not eat until we pray, sometimes twice. He loves to cling our glasses together and say "cheers" and to recap his day.
Hudson is in love with his cousin "Wucy" and talks about her all the time
Hudson loves skyping with his other cousins Will and Caroline everyday and asking them "what you doin?"
We had so much fun at the WRAL Go ask mom event this past weekend with his friends Maggie and Carter. Hudson played chess, danced, colored and was obsessed with the big, green bus
Like any toddler, he spends 90 % of the day laughing and playing and the other 10% I am trying to figure out what he is fussing about. Luckily his biggest dilemas are me giving him the wrong color cup or not being able to reach something. Such a hard life. He is so fun to watch and we love him so much!
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