When we dropped him off, he looked a little confused but his teacher said he went right in and started playing. They are very smart and have you pass your child over a half door so you cannot go in the classroom. He only went for 2 hours today so they can adjust and it was the perfect amount of time for me to compose myself from crying, run 2 errands and get stuck in pouring rain. I did enjoy being able to get in and out of the car easier.
I was so excited to go pick him up! I got there 15 minutes early. His door was closed and there was a cute sign by it telling the moms what they did today. They had centers, read books, went to music class, decorated their snacktime placemats, had a snack and....... I forgot the last thing.
When the classroom door opened all of their cute little faces were standing in line to be picked up. Hudson got a big smile, ran and jumped in my arms and said, "hey mama, hey mama, hey!!!!" It melted my heart.
We went and had a special lunch and he told me all of the fun things he did. After lunch we went to Target to get a new toy. He picked out the biggest, talking ambulance. Let's hope drop off Thursday goes just as smoothe as today did and that he does not think he gets so spoiled at the end of each school day!!!
Awww! It's great to hear he had such a great first day!