Friday, January 27, 2012
Confessions from Pat Sajak
Pat recently stated that he and Vanna White have been drunk a few times while filming Wheel of Fortune. There has been a ton of backlash. Really people? I for one would have to be completely hammered to listen to people get overly excited about yelling letters all day. And poor Vanna. She's like 60 and has to wear those horrendous prom dresses. I am totally team Pat & Vanna!!! Go get some more margaritas friends.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
All things Hudson
Hudson is completely and totally obsessed with the Maroon 5 song, "Moves like Jagger." When it comes on in the car he will gasp and then start singing and dancing. When we play it at home he will dance his little behind off and he now sings it in the cart while shopping. We were in the middle of the shampoo aisle at Target the other day and he was singing as loud as he could, "I got he moooooooves like Jagger, I got the moooves like Jagger, I got the moo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooooves like Jagger."
I had my very first parent teacher conference this morning. I was beaming with pride as Hudson's teacher talked so wonderfully about him. She said, "he is my little buddy and best helper." She also said he was the most talkative in the class and the biggest dancer in music class.... shocker! He loves school so much and it is so fun to hear the things he learns. I sat down with him yesterday to read and he said, "No mommy! Sit criss cross applesauce!"
We went to Bojangles this morning (that's good for the diet) and a firetruck was there. He yelled, "Oh that made my day!"
He really is the best thing that has ever happened to us!
I had my very first parent teacher conference this morning. I was beaming with pride as Hudson's teacher talked so wonderfully about him. She said, "he is my little buddy and best helper." She also said he was the most talkative in the class and the biggest dancer in music class.... shocker! He loves school so much and it is so fun to hear the things he learns. I sat down with him yesterday to read and he said, "No mommy! Sit criss cross applesauce!"
We went to Bojangles this morning (that's good for the diet) and a firetruck was there. He yelled, "Oh that made my day!"
He really is the best thing that has ever happened to us!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Wednesday brain dump
~ Hudson has become so good at entertaining himself. His imagination is so vivid and he will sit and play and build things for great lengths of time. Here he is with a road we drew and he made his barn his parking garage

~ If American votes Newt G for president, I am moving to Canada. I'm not joking.
~ Jonathan begged me for months to join twitter, so I finally did. I don't really tweet but its hilarious to see how dumb celebrities are and the things they tweet.
~ Laundry.... how do we possibly have 9 loads after 5 days???
~ Hudson's new saying is, "boom chica boom boom" He says his teacher says it. I cannot wait to ask her about that at our parent teacher conference tomorrow. He talks about her nonstop. I think he has a crush on her. That makes me so happy because I know that He LOVES her and feels so safe at school.
~ Am I the only mom who feels like she is constantly organizing? Stuff just appears all the time. I keep trying to condense it but then more appears.
~ Seal and Heidi Klum are divorcing??? Say what? Aren't they the couple that is always making out in public and always renewing their wedding vows?
~ I try and watch Good Morning America in the mornings while we are getting ready to leave the house. Politics are always first and everytime Obama comes on Hudson says, "look Mama, there is O Rock O Mama" It gets me everytime.
~ We went to a super neat park yesterday at Laurel Hills with our best buddies.

Hudson looks so tiny!
~ We have been trying to eat healthier. We have tried a few Weight Watchers recipes and they are actually pretty good. We have been eating side salads with each meal and I am still loging all of my food in my fitness pal iphone app. Although yesterday I almost threw up after seeing the pumpkin muffin I had at Panera was 580 calories!
~ I am really trying to watch the Bachelor this year but it is so hard for me. Ben needs to be groomed, maybe taking a shower would work. The girls are crazy. I mean, who cries that much? Plus I read the spoiler so I know who he picks and that has just ruined it all for me.
~ My new favorite show thanks to my BFF Woobie is Dance Moms. Its so intense and crayyyyy cray! These moms!!! That dance coach!!! Holy cow
~ Pajamas----- Do I have the only little boy who constantly wants to wear pajamas???
And it is always good to accesories with guns and a fireman hat

~ The warm, sunny weather this week is getting me so excited for spring. Although I would not mind snow. And I really would not mind a personal trainer before I have to wear a bathing suit all summer.
~ If American votes Newt G for president, I am moving to Canada. I'm not joking.
~ Jonathan begged me for months to join twitter, so I finally did. I don't really tweet but its hilarious to see how dumb celebrities are and the things they tweet.
~ Laundry.... how do we possibly have 9 loads after 5 days???
~ Hudson's new saying is, "boom chica boom boom" He says his teacher says it. I cannot wait to ask her about that at our parent teacher conference tomorrow. He talks about her nonstop. I think he has a crush on her. That makes me so happy because I know that He LOVES her and feels so safe at school.
~ Am I the only mom who feels like she is constantly organizing? Stuff just appears all the time. I keep trying to condense it but then more appears.
~ Seal and Heidi Klum are divorcing??? Say what? Aren't they the couple that is always making out in public and always renewing their wedding vows?
~ I try and watch Good Morning America in the mornings while we are getting ready to leave the house. Politics are always first and everytime Obama comes on Hudson says, "look Mama, there is O Rock O Mama" It gets me everytime.
~ We went to a super neat park yesterday at Laurel Hills with our best buddies.
Hudson looks so tiny!
~ We have been trying to eat healthier. We have tried a few Weight Watchers recipes and they are actually pretty good. We have been eating side salads with each meal and I am still loging all of my food in my fitness pal iphone app. Although yesterday I almost threw up after seeing the pumpkin muffin I had at Panera was 580 calories!
~ I am really trying to watch the Bachelor this year but it is so hard for me. Ben needs to be groomed, maybe taking a shower would work. The girls are crazy. I mean, who cries that much? Plus I read the spoiler so I know who he picks and that has just ruined it all for me.
~ My new favorite show thanks to my BFF Woobie is Dance Moms. Its so intense and crayyyyy cray! These moms!!! That dance coach!!! Holy cow
~ Pajamas----- Do I have the only little boy who constantly wants to wear pajamas???
And it is always good to accesories with guns and a fireman hat
~ The warm, sunny weather this week is getting me so excited for spring. Although I would not mind snow. And I really would not mind a personal trainer before I have to wear a bathing suit all summer.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Meet the animals & storytime at the library
Jonathan took a day off to play with us. Yipee!!! Hudson is in a HUGE dinosaur phase so we took him to the Museum of Natural Sciences. He was so excited to run around, see the animals and roar at the dinosaurs. We also made it right in time for meet the animals and storytime.

Did I mention the museum is free?! Even better!

Did I mention the museum is free?! Even better!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Picture update
Let's be honest..... Hudson's grandparents all look at this blog just for pictures. So here you go.
Playing piano with Bebe after a yummy spaghetti super

A family photo at Macie's 1st birthday party

Playing outside

4 wheeling with Bailey

Lunch date with the love of Hudson's life... his sweet Maggie

The balloon that was attached to Hudson for an entire day.

Ready for church

Playing at his school playground
Playing piano with Bebe after a yummy spaghetti super
A family photo at Macie's 1st birthday party
Playing outside
4 wheeling with Bailey
Lunch date with the love of Hudson's life... his sweet Maggie
The balloon that was attached to Hudson for an entire day.
Ready for church
Playing at his school playground
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Independent play
Hudson has been so into independent playing lately. I do not know if it is his age and the imagination is setting in or if he is so thankful that we have actually had some downtime to play. I was doing some stuff the other day around the house and came into the playroom to find this

He was completely under the train table playing cars. What a character!
He was completely under the train table playing cars. What a character!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Spring Clothes for Hudson
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
3 years
3 years ago I married a man who I can say with all cheesiness completes me. (Did everyone just throw up a little in their mouth?)

I love him so much. There is just not a better way to describe it. He makes me feel safe and loved. He takes care of me and our sweet baby boy. He loves us and never raises his voice. He kisses me when I am mad and makes me laugh when I am attempting to be upset with him. He is the best and I am a very, very lucky girl!

I love him so much. There is just not a better way to describe it. He makes me feel safe and loved. He takes care of me and our sweet baby boy. He loves us and never raises his voice. He kisses me when I am mad and makes me laugh when I am attempting to be upset with him. He is the best and I am a very, very lucky girl!
Monday, January 9, 2012
Weight & other things
So I mentioned earlier that one of my resolutions was to get toned. That's not really working out for me. I am really bad, really, really bad about setting aside time for myself to workout or getting up early to go run.
I uploaded the app, My fitness pal on my iphone the other day. It tells you how many calories you can have a day and you put in what you eat all day long. I crack up how often I go over. Coke is what does me in. It's so hard for me to cook while Jonathan is away. I find that Hudson and I meet people out for every meal or we make pizza here or eat cereal. Once life gets back to normal I will start my healthy meal planning again.
I also uploaded Fitness Pro it gives you a ton of workouts that you can do at home alone so I am going to start using nap time as my workout time. We shall see how that goes. The thoughts of being in a bathing suit in a few months scare me to death.
If you have any good recipes or dieting tips I would love to hear them, so would my cellulite.
I uploaded the app, My fitness pal on my iphone the other day. It tells you how many calories you can have a day and you put in what you eat all day long. I crack up how often I go over. Coke is what does me in. It's so hard for me to cook while Jonathan is away. I find that Hudson and I meet people out for every meal or we make pizza here or eat cereal. Once life gets back to normal I will start my healthy meal planning again.
I also uploaded Fitness Pro it gives you a ton of workouts that you can do at home alone so I am going to start using nap time as my workout time. We shall see how that goes. The thoughts of being in a bathing suit in a few months scare me to death.
If you have any good recipes or dieting tips I would love to hear them, so would my cellulite.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
The I cannot think of a title post
Happy New Year! 2012!!! That sounds so crazy
I survived 5 days without Jonathan. Whew! Thank you to wonderful grandparents who helped! It's really not that hard to get through when you look at this face all day-

My resolutions for the new year are...
-to get toned
-to drink more water
-to stop saying "oh shizz" - my resolution from last year was to stop saying "oh sh*t" and apparently I shortened it to shizz...
- to stop nagging Jonathan so much. Him not putting up his dirty dishes is not going to kill me......
- to be more patient
- to cook different meals. I find that we eat the same things over and over because we are so picky.
I am trying to keep the goals low so I have a better shot of accomplishing them.
I spent the 5 days Jonathan was gone buying new accessories, lamps, pictures, etc. I could not help myself, thank you Christmas money.
I have spent so much time realizing how good I have it. We may not have all the money in the world but I have a wonderful marriage, a happy, healthy little boy, a dog that we adore and has the patience of a Saint, friends that amaze me, parents and inlaws that I thank God for everyday and health. What more does a girl need?
My Woobs convinced me to watch The Bachelor. I have given up on that show after Brad's season but I got sucked in just like Woobs said I would. It's the simple fact that these crazy, desperate women put themselves on tv. I sat with my mouth open the entire time.
I had to make homemade play dough for Hudson's class this month. That was tricky!!! Who knew?!?!
I finally watched The Help and I loved it just as much if not more than the book. Highly, highly recommend.
I went online to buy tickets for the circus today and was shocked that some of them are $110 a person. Can you imagine paying $330 to take your 2 year old to see clowns? Yikes.
It's freezing in Raleigh. FREEZING. I am a firm believer that if it is going to be 19 degrees when I wake up, there should be snow on the ground.
I promise to put more effort into blogging soon, I just have not regained my footing from all the chaos going on lately. Here are a few faces to make you smile.

I survived 5 days without Jonathan. Whew! Thank you to wonderful grandparents who helped! It's really not that hard to get through when you look at this face all day-
My resolutions for the new year are...
-to get toned
-to drink more water
-to stop saying "oh shizz" - my resolution from last year was to stop saying "oh sh*t" and apparently I shortened it to shizz...
- to stop nagging Jonathan so much. Him not putting up his dirty dishes is not going to kill me......
- to be more patient
- to cook different meals. I find that we eat the same things over and over because we are so picky.
I am trying to keep the goals low so I have a better shot of accomplishing them.
I spent the 5 days Jonathan was gone buying new accessories, lamps, pictures, etc. I could not help myself, thank you Christmas money.
I have spent so much time realizing how good I have it. We may not have all the money in the world but I have a wonderful marriage, a happy, healthy little boy, a dog that we adore and has the patience of a Saint, friends that amaze me, parents and inlaws that I thank God for everyday and health. What more does a girl need?
My Woobs convinced me to watch The Bachelor. I have given up on that show after Brad's season but I got sucked in just like Woobs said I would. It's the simple fact that these crazy, desperate women put themselves on tv. I sat with my mouth open the entire time.
I had to make homemade play dough for Hudson's class this month. That was tricky!!! Who knew?!?!
I finally watched The Help and I loved it just as much if not more than the book. Highly, highly recommend.
I went online to buy tickets for the circus today and was shocked that some of them are $110 a person. Can you imagine paying $330 to take your 2 year old to see clowns? Yikes.
It's freezing in Raleigh. FREEZING. I am a firm believer that if it is going to be 19 degrees when I wake up, there should be snow on the ground.
I promise to put more effort into blogging soon, I just have not regained my footing from all the chaos going on lately. Here are a few faces to make you smile.
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