~ If American votes Newt G for president, I am moving to Canada. I'm not joking.
~ Jonathan begged me for months to join twitter, so I finally did. I don't really tweet but its hilarious to see how dumb celebrities are and the things they tweet.
~ Laundry.... how do we possibly have 9 loads after 5 days???
~ Hudson's new saying is, "boom chica boom boom" He says his teacher says it. I cannot wait to ask her about that at our parent teacher conference tomorrow. He talks about her nonstop. I think he has a crush on her. That makes me so happy because I know that He LOVES her and feels so safe at school.
~ Am I the only mom who feels like she is constantly organizing? Stuff just appears all the time. I keep trying to condense it but then more appears.
~ Seal and Heidi Klum are divorcing??? Say what? Aren't they the couple that is always making out in public and always renewing their wedding vows?
~ I try and watch Good Morning America in the mornings while we are getting ready to leave the house. Politics are always first and everytime Obama comes on Hudson says, "look Mama, there is O Rock O Mama" It gets me everytime.
~ We went to a super neat park yesterday at Laurel Hills with our best buddies.
Hudson looks so tiny!
~ We have been trying to eat healthier. We have tried a few Weight Watchers recipes and they are actually pretty good. We have been eating side salads with each meal and I am still loging all of my food in my fitness pal iphone app. Although yesterday I almost threw up after seeing the pumpkin muffin I had at Panera was 580 calories!
~ I am really trying to watch the Bachelor this year but it is so hard for me. Ben needs to be groomed, maybe taking a shower would work. The girls are crazy. I mean, who cries that much? Plus I read the spoiler so I know who he picks and that has just ruined it all for me.
~ My new favorite show thanks to my BFF Woobie is Dance Moms. Its so intense and crayyyyy cray! These moms!!! That dance coach!!! Holy cow
~ Pajamas----- Do I have the only little boy who constantly wants to wear pajamas???
And it is always good to accesories with guns and a fireman hat
~ The warm, sunny weather this week is getting me so excited for spring. Although I would not mind snow. And I really would not mind a personal trainer before I have to wear a bathing suit all summer.
Oh, Anna...we are so much alike. Organize=every day. Seriously. Ben the Bachelor=crazy, nasty, ungroomed hair. Dance Moms=insane.