I survived 5 days without Jonathan. Whew! Thank you to wonderful grandparents who helped! It's really not that hard to get through when you look at this face all day-
My resolutions for the new year are...
-to get toned
-to drink more water
-to stop saying "oh shizz" - my resolution from last year was to stop saying "oh sh*t" and apparently I shortened it to shizz...
- to stop nagging Jonathan so much. Him not putting up his dirty dishes is not going to kill me......
- to be more patient
- to cook different meals. I find that we eat the same things over and over because we are so picky.
I am trying to keep the goals low so I have a better shot of accomplishing them.
I spent the 5 days Jonathan was gone buying new accessories, lamps, pictures, etc. I could not help myself, thank you Christmas money.
I have spent so much time realizing how good I have it. We may not have all the money in the world but I have a wonderful marriage, a happy, healthy little boy, a dog that we adore and has the patience of a Saint, friends that amaze me, parents and inlaws that I thank God for everyday and health. What more does a girl need?
My Woobs convinced me to watch The Bachelor. I have given up on that show after Brad's season but I got sucked in just like Woobs said I would. It's the simple fact that these crazy, desperate women put themselves on tv. I sat with my mouth open the entire time.
I had to make homemade play dough for Hudson's class this month. That was tricky!!! Who knew?!?!
I finally watched The Help and I loved it just as much if not more than the book. Highly, highly recommend.
I went online to buy tickets for the circus today and was shocked that some of them are $110 a person. Can you imagine paying $330 to take your 2 year old to see clowns? Yikes.
It's freezing in Raleigh. FREEZING. I am a firm believer that if it is going to be 19 degrees when I wake up, there should be snow on the ground.
I promise to put more effort into blogging soon, I just have not regained my footing from all the chaos going on lately. Here are a few faces to make you smile.
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