Friday, July 27, 2012


It is no shocker that I love organizing. I like for every toy, every crayon, every little item to have a little box to call home. I like my house to be clean. I like for everything to be categorized.

Insert my love for the Dollar Tree. No, seriously. One opened by our house and after hearing some friends rave about it a few months ago I took a trip. I fell in love. I have also turned Jonathan onto the store. We get so much there. Zip lock bags, trash bags, cleaning supplies, tape, tupperware. They have coloring books, guns, cars and play doh (well, it's called something else) for Hudson (some of it is real junk but it's just $1).......They also have organizational baskets......

Our linen closet has been driving me bananas for months. I stumbled across this organizational blog on Pinterest

Drool seriously started coming out of my mouth.

So I took a trip to my new favorite store for some baskets and voila.....

I still have some cleaning up to do. The closet is actually bigger than shown but I could not get a good photo because of the place it is located.

Everything has a basket. Makeup, nail polish, toilet paper, wash cloths, hairdryer, our medicine, Hudson's medicine, sunscreen, random things.....

I showed it to Jonathan last night and he said, "You get way to excited about this stuff."

I also grabbed a few cute polka dot bins for the toy bookcase that we just put in the 3rd bedroom.
How sad that Hudson has an entire playroom but still needs another shelf for toys.......

I highly recommend visiting the Dollar Tree if you want to start organizing!!!

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