Monday, July 2, 2012

Tidbits of our weekend

- Saturday we took Hudson to the Museum of Natural Sciences. He loved it. The renovations were really neat and he loved playing interactive games.

On the way home we rode past the fire station and saw a boom truck outside. We had to stop.

I have naturally curly hair..... not just curly, lion like, frizzy, out of control hair. The heat makes it so hard to spend 1 hour drying and straightening it. I found this at Target yesterday. It was supposed to give me surfer waves.

Not awful but not the best.

We took Hudson to Toys R Us yesterday to pick out any toy he wanted. I had my eye on a grill, Jonathan wanted him to get a baseball pitching kit...... he looked at every single thing in the store (literally walked the aisles for an hour) and only wanted a box of 30 cars. That's all. All the toys in the world and that is all he wanted. Sweet boy. He may be cheap like his father.


  1. I had no idea you had curly hair - it's always so straight! I may have to try the Garnier's nice to have an easy option when you don't feel like doing your hair.

  2. I HAVE to try this stuff. As you know, my hair is kinda CRAZYYY. Love your hair curly!!


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