My little guy who used to wake up between 7 and 7:30 is now waking up at 4:30. The first day he played in his crib for an hour and went back to sleep. Monday morning he refused to go back to sleep and called, "MAMAAAAAAAAAAA" as loudly as possible. This morning he woke up at 1 am. ONE AM! He woke up screaming. I ran in there, fully asleep, and scooped him up. I thought for sure that I could rock him and he would go back to sleep. Nope. Not the case. I tired everything. He SCREAMED. I would leave him for a few minutes and it would get worse. Finally, I was too tired to listen to it (bad, bad mommy). I got him out and we layed in the guest bed together. He finally fell asleep. I on the other hand felt like I was sleeping with a fish out of water. He moves so, so much in his sleep. It was all worth it at 6:30 when I felt someone petting my face. I opened my eyes to the sweetest little boy with the sweetest smile!
Anyways- the entire point of my story is that yesterday, I was in a fit of panic. Hudson was so off schedule, not happy and nothing I was doing was helping him. We have a no cartoon policy during the day (with the exception of a morning cartoon and a night time cartoon. Or when Jonathan is home and refuses to listen to the rules) but I scrambled to find something. I searched through the On Demand list and found "Finding Nemo". I turned it on and SILENCE. Not a peep for about 5 minutes. His eyes were glued to the tv. He laughed so much and turned into a happy guy again. I only allowed him to watch 30 minutes, but it was worth it so I could get a few things done.

At one point he pulled his car over so he could have a better seat......

Looks like we will be asking Santa for some Disney movies!
Oh How cute!! We're not quite to the cartoon stage yet, but how awesome to know it will work!!! Totally worth it for a few minutes of sanity!