- We let Hudson watch 1 cartoon at night, The Fresh Beat Band, and it seems Jonathan and I like it more than he does. We catch ourselves singing their songs all the time. Hudson loves all the music and spends 30 minutes dancing. Sadly I looked for a CD or DVD for our car the other day and could not find one.

- Why is Bristol Palin still on Dancing With the Stars? I refused to watch the show this year because I did not really like the cast. I deleted the series from our DVR but I still find myself flipping to it on Monday and Tuesday nights to watch a little of it. I cannot stand Bristol. I am not sure how she is a "star." And I am pretty sure that our dog has more rhythm than she does.
- Hudson has his first goose egg on his forehead. He took a tumble down 3 stairs. Right in time for our Christmas card pictures to be taken. Poor little guy. He was so brave and only cried for 2 seconds. Me on the other hand..... let's just say I freaked out.
- My Woobs is coming into town this weekend. You probably know that is what I call my best friend Liz. I cannot wait to see her.
- We found a new park in Cary, Kids Together Park. It is the nicest park we have ever been too. It has so many separate play areas. Hudson played with this sand table for almost an hour. He made a new little friend and they played so nicely trading shovels back and forth.
- We had story time yesterday, a class Hudson usually loves. But he was so tired that he was HOR. RI. BLE!!! He had fun running around before hand but once the class started and he had to sit still, he screamed. It was bad. He has never acted like that in public. The poor teacher said, "Let's remember parents that some kids are hear to listen. So if you have a rowdy child, please take them outside." All while looking straight at me.

- I am going to spend the entire day cleaning our disgusting house and doing all the laundry. Let's hope Hudson cooperates and is nice today.
Happy Thursday!
Oh you poor thing at the library! That is the worst when you're getting those looks like you want your child to flip out and are asking them to! He is so cute, love your updates. I'm having major bloggers block!