I cannot imagine having another baby right now, sorry to disappoint the world. When Jonathan and I went through pre-marriage counseling, I remember talking with our minister about planning a family and how many children we wanted. I have a piece of paper that says I wanted 5 (Jonathan said 2, 3 were negotiable). I have changed my mind drastically in the past year. I am content with one. That is not to say that years from now, I may not change my mind. But for now, we are a perfect family of 3. Well 4 including the dog.
I have 6 friends who are due between January and March. That is a lot of babies. And I swear everyday Jonathan comes home and tells me that someone else in his office is expecting another child. And my response, "please do not drink that baby water they are serving!"
There are so many expenses that come with a child and selfishly, I would like to concentrate on buying a house and getting on our feet a little more before we bring another miracle into our world. And poor Bailey, I think if we brought another baby home she would run into the street to try and get hit by a car. She is constantly abused by Hudson. Thank goodness she is so tolerant.
So no, no more babies for me for a while. Let me survive getting Hudson through diapers, potty training, converting to a big boy bed and possibly 5th grade first :)
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