I have a stress fractured hip. Let me tell you, it is a ball of fun to be on crutches with a toddler. My hip has been bothering me for a while. I've really been pushing the running and more exercise since bathing suit season is upon us (throw up in my mouth). Last Friday after a 4 mile run I thought I was dying. I could hardly make it back home. I tried to ignore it all weekend thinking I pulled a muscle or pinched something. Finally Sunday after mowing the grass... oh yeah- my father in law even witnessed it- I felt paralyzed. I could hardly walk 3-4 steps without falling over or having to hold onto something. I went in for x-rays and some testing and was diagnosed with a hairline stress fracture. They suggested an MRI but I am so claustrophobic that would never work for me. I am on crutches and cannot really do anything for 4-6 weeks. Do you have any idea how long that is? Or how hard it is to do so many little things? Putting Hudson in the car, walking from the mailbox to the house, getting dressed, everything is hard and painful. Thank goodness for such wonderful friends who have helped so much and my mom who I literally pushed Hudson off on. Jonathan has been amazing and has taken on so many more roles in our house; as if he does not do enough already! I think the thing that drives me the craziest is that the baby gate to the kitchen is down and Hudson is so curious. He made himself about 15 snacks last night before I could pull myself up to get in there! This is going to be rough.
Friday night we took Hudson to watch the State baseball game. We started with a tailgate to Char-Grill
It was a gorgeous night and Hudson was sooooo into the game.
Around the 6th inning he got bored. No popcorn, fruit snacks or raisins could keep him in his seat. So up and down the bleachers we went looking for Mr. and Mrs. Wuf, magnets, posters, etc. Finally Jonathan realized he could not watch the entire game so we left. Shwew!
Tomorrow we are heading to the Fresh Beat Band concert. I am not sure if Jonathan or Hudson is more excited. It stinks that our spring break is plagued by my injury but by golly, we will still have fun!
Yeah you do!!