Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The day the cashier almost died

Hudson and I were at the grocery store today and my conversation with the cashier went like this...

Cashier: "He is so cute. How old is he?"
Me: "Thank you. He is 8 months old."
Cashier: "He looks nothing like you, are you his mom?"
Me: "Yes, I am. " (I am starting to get annoyed)
Cashier: "Well, he looks nothing like you."
I said nothing, I just looked at Hudson
Cashier: "Do you work?"
Me: "I am at stay-at-home mom"
Cashier: (with a sarcastic face) "So you don't work?"
Me: (with a puzzled face) "Yes, I work. I am a stay-at-home mom."
Cashier: Ha. "Oh, OK. That is not really work."
Me: (I smiled, bit my tongue and swiped my debit card).

I walked away from the check out feeling madder than I ever have. Who was this lady and who peed in her cereal? I work, I may not leave the house everyday and go off to the corporate world but I work my tail off. I cook, I clean, I do the laundry, I run errands, I go to playgroup, play dates, story time but most important, I take care of our son. (I know to most people, this sounds like the easiest thing in the world, but it does have challenges).

I realized driving home that most people have a misconception of stay-at-home moms. I think that in the majority of peoples minds, especially men, a stay-at-home mom is someone who sits around all day eating bon-bons and watching tv. I am sure there are some woman who do this but not me. Hudson and I are constantly busy and when he is napping, I am running around the house cleaning, folding clothes, taking care of the dog, taking a shower, etc. No day is ever the same. I am constantly at the beck and call of an 8 month old.

There are so many things I wish I had said to this woman. I may not have the hardest job in the world or get paid a big, fat paycheck but it is the most rewarding job and I love it. (And thank you to my sweet, loving husband who allows me to do this everyday!)

1 comment:

  1. You should have reminded her that she's a cashier - what real work does she ACTUALLY do (i believe the computer does the math, and someone else usually bags the groceries)? You are a FABULOUS mom and a hard worker!!! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


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