Where does the time go? I feel like it was just yesterday that we were coming home from the hospital with our little baby and now he is a huge little guy! He lights up everyday of our lives and brings more joy than we could ever imagine. Here is a little update on his daily life-
He usually sleeps 12 hours at night, unless he is getting a tooth. In that case we are lucky if we get 4-7 hours.
He wakes up between 6 and 7 and has a solid hour of daddy time. They eat breakfast together and play with toys.
Around 7 they come upstairs and Hudson lays in the bed with me to have his bottle. Daddy leaves for work around 7:45. Hudson plays in his pack and play or upstairs exasaucer while I get ready for the day.
He takes a nap 2 hours after waking up. He usually sleeps for 1-2 hours.
He always wakes up in the best mood! We come downstairs after his nap and have another bottle and play. Some days we have playgroup, story time at the library, baby yoga or errands to run. We are going to start swimming lessons soon and I am so excited. He loves going to the park to swing, museum and anywhere that involves riding in a shopping cart.
He eats lunch (usually a fruit and cheerios) around noon.
He takes his second nap around 1. This nap can range from 30 minutes- 2 hours.
Wake up, play, bottle, snack, read books, take a walk.... Hudson is VERY independent and loves to play with his toys alone. This is extremely helpful so I can fold laundry, vacuum, dust, etc. Do not get me wrong, I spend a large part of the day playing with him but it is nice to know I can plop him in his play area and know that he will be OK. He watches 1 cartoon a day (unless he is just beyond fussy). He loves "Yo Gabba Gabba" which I think is the craziest thing on TV. He loves the bright colors and their singing.
He takes a 3rd nap around 4. Again, this can be 30 minutes to 1 hour. Everyone says I need to get him on a 2 nap a day schedule, but trust me, this little guy needs 3 naps for now. This is when I usually start dinner, watch my favorite soap opera and attempt to workout.
He usually wakes up right around the time Jonathan gets home. We eat dinner as a family around 5:45. I love sitting at the table with both of my boys and think this is very important to us as a family. After that, Hudson and Jonathan go upstairs to play and take a bath while I clean up the downstairs and kitchen.
You should see this child in the tub. Holy smokes! Nothing is dry when he is finished. The walls, cabinets, Jonathan, everything is covered in water.
Around 6:30/7 Hudson has his last bottle of the day and we read books. After this, we say his prayers and he goes to sleep.
Now it is time for mommy and daddy to relax!
Favorite things:
Toys- basketball hoops, learning table, anything that makes noise. At the grocery store yesterday he carried his tambourine from the car to the cart and through the entire store. He loves books, especially pop up, stacking blocks, pots and pans, puzzles, his 2 exasacers and jump and go.
Food- We are starting to introduce "people" food and he seems to love it. Carrots are a huge hit. He also loves sweet potatoes, green beans with rice, applesauce, egg yokes, cheese, mac and cheese, frozen fruit and cheerios. As for baby food he still eats, turkey, chicken and apples, fruit, vegetables, etc. He loves puffs, wagon wheels and yogurt bites.
He is OBSESSED with Bailey, our dog and she is pretty smitten with him too. They kiss and snuggle a lot. Bailey is very good and allows him to pull her ears, poke his eyes, pull her hair, etc.
He is not crawling yet but sits on his on, rolls around non stop and is starting to take an interest in moving by himself.
He is wearing 12-18 month clothing and weighs 22 pounds.
He has 3 bottom teeth and is getting the top 4 right now (oh the sleepless nights....)
He rides in a big boy car seat now and I think he feels very cool! He has a much better view and a lot more room to relax.
He says "dada", "lala" and sometimes "hi". He is very funny if someone around him coughs, he will cough. If you squeal or scream, he will copy you.
He looks for toys or people if they disappear. If you cover up a toy, he will move your hand.
He is not a fan of peek a boo, but if you hide and jump out and scare him, he falls on the floor laughing.
I honestly do not remember what our lives were like without him and I cannot imagine loving anyone more. I know I say it all the time, but we are so lucky to be his parents. He is the light of our lives.
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