We had a fantastic weekend. The weather was amazing and we enjoyed being outside and together.
Friday night our friend Seth came over for pizza. While we were eating, Hudson learned to play peek a boo. He learned this on his own. He took a blankie and put it over his face and then dropped it fast and laughed. He did this over and over. It is so precious and he is so proud of himself.
On Saturday Hudson blessed us by sleeping until 7:30. We woke up, went out to eat biscuits, took Bailey to the vet to get 6 shots and then to get a fabulous new haircut (We love "Hair of the Dog" on Bickett Blvd). Hudson LOVED riding in the back seat of the truck with his big sister. He thinks she is the funniest thing in the world. While Bailey was getting groomed we ran a TON of errands and took Hudson to Woody's BBQ for lunch. He refuses to eat baby food anymore and only wants what we are eating. He enjoyed hush puppies, green beans and mashed potatoes. I had one of my first big "bad mommy" moments at lunch. Hudson decided to drop a bomb in the middle of lunch. Of course the restaurant had no changing area so I had to walk out to the car to change him. We had taken Jonathan's truck and the back seat was full with the car seat and shopping bags, so I had barely enough room to lay him down on the seat. I could not fit, so I had to stand with the door cracked. As soon as I took his diaper off the wind blew and I got a golden shower. I dug through the diaper bag and realized I did not pack a change of clothes. Yikes. What is a mom to do?!?! The answer.... run inside with Hudson (who has tinkle on part of his pants), tell your husband to get the food to go stat and rush home! Hudson took a great nap after all the diaper drama. Bailey returned home shortly after and looked so snazzy. Saturday night was very low key and relaxing.
Sunday was Bailey's 5th birthday. Hudson woke up at 6 am ready to celebrate. We came downstairs and let Bailey open her presents and gave her a special cookie. Jonathan made breakfast- bacon, eggs and grits and even shared with Bailey. We went to the grocery store, one of Hudson's favorite places and then came home for a nap. After lunch, we went on a walk and to the park. I attempted to eat Yoplait key lime pie yogurt for lunch but a certain little boy ate my entire jar. He is OBSESSED with yogurt and anytime I try to eat it infront of him, he reaches for it and makes the funniest noise. It was a beautiful day and we enjoyed playing with Bailey and Hudson outside. My dad and his new wife came over late afternoon to play and for dinner. Jonathan made his delicous Japanese shrimp, rice and zuchinni. He has even perfected the seafood sauce. Hudson crashed last night! Poor little guy was so sleepy from a non stop weekend.
We had a great weekend and loved spending time together. We are very ready for spring so we can spend the majority of our days outside!
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