Thursday, February 18, 2010

Holy bad mood....

I do not know what it is lately but I have turned into the biggest cranky pants on the planet.

Hudson has not slept through the night in 9 days (this has not happened since he was 10 weeks old). He wakes up for hours at a time crying. Whoever decided that it was OK to let him get his 4 upper teeth at one time is very cruel. The poor little guy is miserable.

Bailey (our dog) is driving me insane again. I feel like every time the house is finally spotless, I turn around and she is dropping hairballs like bombs. Not to mention she has started a terrible habit of waiting until Hudson FINALLY falls asleep during his nap to play with her toys.... right in front of his door!

It is cold. I HATE cold weather. I am so sick of not being able to play outside without looking like an Eskimo. I need sun, I need a tan and I need a pool. STAT.

I feel fat. I have been so slack about getting the last 7 pounds of baby weight off. I gained almost 50 so losing 43 pounds in 8 months is pretty good. But bathing suit season is right around the corner and I do not want Hudson hanging on my love handles at the pool.

Jonathan is traveling a lot and I am starting to realize what a toll it takes on me and Hudson. Hudson definitely knows when his daddy is not here and I desperately need the extra set of hands these days.

I could keep going on and on but I will stop there. I apologize to anyone who has been around me lately. I promise to stop breathing fire soon.

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