I was fortunate enough to grow up having a cousin to call a best friend. David and I were always in the same grade level, had the same friends, could tell each other anything and as we grew up, we got into some trouble together.

We both got married and absolutely adore each others spouse. David and Jenn are not only family but some of our closest friends. You cannot imagine the joy that it brought me to find out that we were having babies at the same time. What are the chances? I loved being pregnant at the same time as Jenn.

It was nice to have someone to talk to about emotions, changes in your body, how big we were each week, talk about our fears and concerns and share clothes with. Jenn and David welcomed sweet Sutton into the world 2 months before Hudson was born.

. I loved hearing their stories about her birth, bringing her home and day to day life as new parents. They gave us great advice and helped us prepare for our own little monkey to arrive. Hudson and Sutton met 3 days after he was born. Neither of them could talk but I could tell they were going to be fast friends.

They are so cute together and we have nicknamed them "Sudson." We are so blessed to have such wonderful children and to have each other to talk to about all the parenting questions, joys, fears and adventures. I am sure that in the years to come, these two are going to be such a handful together..... much like David and I were.

We feel the same way about you guys!! It is crazy to look back at their old pictures, they look so funny! Jenn can't wait to hang out tomorrow. We all need to get together soon, I am feeling the return of "Supper Club".