He loves to pick out his own shoes

He loves to walk around with a chapstick and a coupon from Old Navy
This is how I found him when I got out of the shower Saturday morning

He loves spaghetti
He loves the park
He loved celebrating Bailey's birthday
He loves how his big boy bed is starting to look. We still have so much to do to get his room switched from a nursery to a big boy room. He walks up to his sheets and makes a monkey noise.
We are so happy Jonathan is home. He was gone 14 out of 22 days so far this month. It is a struggle but he loves his job and I love all the time I get with Hudson. It just makes the time we have with him all the more special. Since Jonathan was in Florida this past week, he brought Hudson back a Mickey Mouse stuffed animal. That thing was dragged all over yesterday... to the park, out to dinner, to read books, to sleep with and this morning it was the first thing Hudson handed me when I went in to get him.
He is talking so much more and is very aware of what you are saying and asking him. Last night Jonathan even commented about how much more Hudson can say now. He loves to sing a random song he made up, "Night night, night night, night night....." He can tell you where anything that you have misplaced (or he has hidden) is. I asked him yesterday where my ipod was and he went and grabbed it from under a sofa pillow. He is very sneaky. He has a huge fascination with putting things in the potty.
He is still obsessed with all dogs and calls them all "sissy." He also calls Jonathan and I over to him like we do to Bailey- patting his leg. He loves to read, color and play with stickers. Bathtime is his favorite time of day. He loves all things car, truck and airplane. He loves music and to dance.
He is still pretty picky with food but his new favorites are fried shrimp, quesadillas with sour cream, spaghetti with chicken hidden in it, pizza, fruit (he would survive off fruit), grilled cheese, carrotts, peas, corn, cereal with milk, oatmeal, pancakes, waffles and bacon and yogurt. He will try whatever you give him but he also loves to share his food with Bailey.
Right now he has Justin Bieber hair. Not on purpose. Do not worry, my Bieber fever is not rubbing off. I am just avoiding the tantrum of the haircut.
He loves to play with his friends, go to music and storytime. Being outside makes him a much happier child. He loves to visit with Mrs. Burroughs, our 98 year old neighbor twice a week. She reads him books and he sits in her lap so patiently. He loves our friends and when we get to visit with them. He loves going to his daddy's work and finding all the sports memorabilla on peoples desk and stealing it. He loves his family and spending time with everyone. He really enjoys talking to his cousins Will and Caroline on the phone.
He likes to fuss when he does not get his way. Or completely fall apart and roll around on the floor. But overall he has a great temperment.
This week I have to sign him up for 2 day a week preschool for the fall and I am pretty sure I am going to sob just filling out the paperwork. He will love it but I am not ready for my baby to be growing up so fast. I am so lucky I am able to spend everyday with him. I know school will be great for him, but I will miss seeing what he does in the mornings and how much fun he has.
We start swim lesson in 2 weeks. It should be entertaining.
It is hard to believe in 4 months he will be 2. He is growing up way too fast. Sometimes I forget what he was like when he was a baby. He is a full blown little guy now. The sweetest little guy.
Oh my gosh, how is he so big! I laughed out loud when I read he calls you and Jonathan by patting his leg! That is HILARIOUS! You guys need to plan a weekend and come stay with us at the beach! We'd love to have you!