We did some fun and productive things this weekend
~ Jonathan and Hudson had a boys morning Saturday and I was able to get some things done. I caught up on all of last weeks Oprah and I cleaned the downstairs bathroom.... okay, okay, maybe that is not productive but I enjoyed 3 full hours of alone time. I had a full list of things to do. Things that can never get done with toddler hands around. But I only did 1 thing. Epic fail!
~ I started a cleanse. I am attempting to detox my body of toxins. So far, so good. It is 14 days and I am guaranteed to lose 5 pounds. Check back in a few days and see how grumpy I am. I am only on day 2.
~ We had family photos taken today by the fabulous Carl Hoverstad. Not only is he a great friend, he is a fabulous photographer. He sent me a sneak peek. I will be on pins and needles until I see them all. Hudson was not too smiley and Bailey was a total nightmare but we had fun!

~Carl also did Hudson's 3 month and 12 month photos.

~ I tried to make sprinkle Valentine cookies with Hudson this morning. I layed all the dough out and gave him 3 different opened cans of sprinkles. He took 2 and poured the entire bottle on 1 cookie. He then took the other and poured it on top of the same cookie. I tried to take pictures but he started throwing dough on the ground for Bailey. It was a mess but we had a few cookies turn out.
~ I am watching the Grammy's red carpet and I have such Beiber fever. It is sad. I love him. All Jonathan keeps talking about is Lady Gaga and the "womb" she arrived in.
~ Speaking of TV. We watch so many police shows. Southland, Hawaii Five-O and Blue Bloods. I am developing extreme paranoia. I find myself checking out every person we walk past and turning back to see what they are doing after we walk past them. It is bad. I would like to think I am just being aware of my surroundings but yesterday as we were on a run I found myself telling Jonathan we were about to get attacked. It was just a man who was walking too close to me in an effort to avoid a mud puddle.
~ I am looking forward to spending Valentine's day with my 2 Valentine's tomorrow. Last year Jonathan was on a trip so this will be our 1st one as a family. I cannot wait to spread the love! Happy Valentine's day! Love to you and yours!
What a cutie! I can't believe his baby pictures, its going too fast!!