After almost 13 hours, Hudson's fever of 104 has finally broken!!! I was terrified. He started screaming and crying last night and clinging on to me for dear life. He could not keep anything down and had some serious, serious diapers. We slept for about 3 hours last night so I think we are both looking forward to bedtime. What a brave little guy he is. Now if I can just get him to eat or drink something! I am so glad we have a pediatrician who calmed me down and did not think I was crazy when I frantically called her about 10 times.

In other news.... Jonathan is in Dallas for the Super Bowl and keeps sending me hilarious text about how cold it is. Tough, tough job he has.
Oh my gosh, what rough month!! I'm so glad he is getting better. That must've been pitiful and you both must be exhausted!! Even sick, he's so cute!