~ Hudson went to music class the other day and had so much fun. It was raining so this was his attire. Notice the "Hudson, say cheese" face.
~ Jonathan told me he saw Reggie Bush, Tim Tebow and the Black Eyed Peas last night at dinner. He was a little annoyed that my first question was if he asked Reggie what it was like dating Kim Kardashian. He asked before he left if there was anything I wanted him to bring me from the big state of Texas. Bachelor Brad is from Texas....But I am sure he will bring back footballs. He brings Hudson a ball back from every trip he goes on. I think it is annoying but he says one day it will be cool to see all the bowl game and super bowl balls.
~ Hudson is still sick. His fever before his nap was down to 100.7. He has not eaten in almost 36 hours. I have tried all of his favorite things. He just looks at them and keeps watching tv. We try to only watch 2 cartoons on a regular day but NickJr has been on 24/7. Did you know they keep cartoons on at 1am? I learned that last night. He went almost 24 hours without getting out of my bed. If you know him, you know that is crazy. He has a hard time sitting still to have his diaper changed. Much less 24 hours. This morning I asked him what hurt. He pointed to his nose, throat and tummy and then loudly proclaimed, "my hair."

Can you see how red his cheeks are?

~ Since we have been stuck inside for 3 days dealing with the sickies, I have gone overboard on online shopping. I found myself ordering "Making the terrible twos terrific" and "The Happiest Toddler on the Block" the other night. Hudson is also set with monogrammed t-shirts and shorts now.
~ My obsession with Moe's is at an all time high. I go through spells where I want 1 food over and over and over until the thought makes me sick. Hudson loves it too. He loves the side of sour cream he gets with his mini moo.

- I think I have seasonal depression. This cold, rainy weather is really depressing me. I am ready for spring.
- Bailey only runs away when Jonathan is away. She is a sneak. That Bailey Bazemore.
- There is a gigantic wrought iron painted rooster at the flea market that I want so badly. I think it would be so cute on our patio. I've had my eye on it for over a year. Last weekend we went and the man now has mini ones. Jonathan said when he dies I can buy it because it is "that ugly." My dad confirmed he thought it was awful but I still love it.
- Charlie Sheen is a super hot mess but the best story I have read about him this week is that he has all gold teeth but wears fake teeth in public. Proof-

Hot mess. Hot, hot mess.
- As I am writing this I am realizing that I am too brain dead to think of anything important. I feel like I have a newborn again. Without the daytime sleeping. Maybe when Hudson feels better and I get more than 4 straight hours of sleep I can blog about something interesting.
Have a great weekend.
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