Bailey is often times adult neglected and toddler abused. She is so patient with Hudson and lets him crawl all over her, jump off her back, ride her like a horsey, hide his matchbox cars under her, steals her toys, takes her bones, walks her around the house on a leash.... I feel like a horrible fur parent even admitting all of that.
Bailey was Jonathan's first love and over the years she has had her #1 spot moved by me and Hudson. But she loves us all and is the sweetest, most gentle, loving dog. She also has a wild side and loves to run away when her daddy is out of town.
She is the best dog we could ever ask for and by far the best big "sissy" in the entire world. Our lives are truly better with her.
Happy, happy birthday sissy girl! (I know you read the blog when no one is looking)

Have you ever seen a sweeter puppy?

protective of her baby brother from the start!

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