Thankfully, Jonathan realized that he needed to do something fast. He took a half day to come and sit with Hudson so I could get a break. This made me fall in love with him all over again. When he got home, I hopped into the shower, threw my hair up, put on an actual outfit and attempted to run out the door. There was a slight delay because Hudson ran to me crying and not wanting me to go. I finally got out. Let me just mention that it was POURING down rain and I do not do rain very well. I am the girl who cancels all plans when it rains because I hate, hate, hate to get wet.
So off I went. I had no idea where I was even going to go but I ended up at Borders. It was the only place that I could think would be quiet. I strolled the aisles reading the back of books for a long time. I finally picked out two for myself. A funny one- "Not ready for mom jeans" by Maureen Lipinski and a serious one "Little Bee" by Chris Cleave. I also grabbed a new Momagenda. Then I headed over to the children's section to grab Hudson a few books. He could look at books for hours.
I bought all our new books and walked over to their little coffee shop. I ordered a pumpkin spice latte and a snicker doodle cookie, who cares about calories at this point?!?! I grabbed a few magazines and settled into a big leather chair by the window. The rain was coming down and I slowly started to feel myself relax as I sat there in my own world. After a while a man sat next to me with his coffee and a magazine, I did not look at him until he said, "howdy mam." I looked up and almost wet myself. It was Ed Mitchell. The pit master of our favorite resteraunt, The Pit. He is so nice and I highly, highly recommend eating there.

(How adorable is he!!!!!!)
I was there for almost an hour before I called to check on the boys. When Jonathan answered, all I could hear was screaming and crying. Hudson had just coughed so hard that he threw up on Jonathan. So I put the magazines back and headed home.
It may make me sound like a bad mom for "abandoning" the boys for a while but I needed it. I came back renewed and not so stressed out. It is important to take time for yourself and I often forget to do it.
( I want to thank my dad/Lisa and sister in law for being so sweet and offering so many times to help this past week, I really appreciate it. It sure makes me miss living close to my mom and sister!)
Onto a Hudson update- day 7 of the sickies. He slept 7:30-4:30 last night which is the longest in a long time. He woke up coughing and threw up again. He is still very congested, has red eyes, a very runny nose and is still not eating. He has his moments where he is very playful and happy but then the coughs come and we fall apart again. He is still so precious, even when he is sick.
And he learned a new word this week... "Danger." When he goes near the oven, toilet or stairs, we always say, "No sir, danger!" So now when he goes near them, he looks at us and says, "Dangeeeeeeeeer, dangeeeeeeeeeeeer." It sounds like that Busta Ryhmes song from so long ago and makes us laugh everytime. My sweet, sweet boy!
OH you poor thing! Thank goodness you were able to get out! Even just an hour makes a huge difference. What is a Momagenda? Sounds like something I need!! Hope Hudson gets to feeling better quickly!!